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Hi to you humble reader and welcome on my little bit of internet. As you may have noticed, I am a Full-Stack Web developer who has had a first life as a guitarist and has had to return to his initial activity for many different and varied reasons. For seven years, I had the opportunity to play with very good bands and composed a lot of songs. However, I never gave up on Web development and kept abreast of all the technological advances. I continued to learn all the emerging techies that tickled me and had the opportunity to use some of them in various projects.

Well, enough about me! Let’s talk about what you can read on my blog very soon …

You will therefore be entitled to tickets, which I hope will be regular, on:

  • my peregrinations through this new world called functional programming,
  • the deepening of my knowledge of the web frameworks Rails and Phoenix,
  • the continuation of my learning of the languages ​​Ruby, Elixir, Elm and of course the unavoidable javascript and its new evolution in Super Saiyan 2 : ES6.
  • my little tricks in terms of design and ergonomics,
  • all the technos on which I will have torn my hair like React+Redux, GraphQL, React Native, etc. !

I will also write some articles to share with you my adventures, both good and bad, in the creation, development and exploitation of my various personal projects which I hope will find their way into production during this Year 2017!

I give you appointments very quickly for my first “real” ticket and wish you the best for this new year 2017!